I took off from Incheon at 2pm. This was an 11 hour flight. By the time I arrived in Frankfurt, it was 1am (Korean time again). After a two hour stopover, I reached Paris at around 4:30am. By the time I got to my hotel, it was right around 7am again.
Thankfully, unlike in Japan, there were no screwups when it came to the public transportation. It actually feels quite incredible to be able to speak to people and understand signs again.
I really missed it.
This morning, I got up early and headed off to my first sight-of-choice: Le musée du Louvre. It's ridiculously large, and holds an impressive amount of things that are actually historic. You might already know that the Mona Lisa (La Joconde) is there, but I was surprised to find the Venus De Milo as well.
There's an incredible amount of history in that place. The Louvre was a former palace, used by French Royalty, and the architecture strongly reflects it.
Comparing the numerous Asian palaces and temples I've seen in the past year, they are not even close to the sheer beauty of what's found in the Louvre (which is definitely not to say that those places weren't beautiful).
With my first full-day winding down, I snapped a picture of my goal for Day 2:
Alex, you look pretty good for a cadaver ;-)
haha.. thanks Steve.
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