Thursday, June 11, 2009

Why Not Beijing?

Next week, i'll be taking a short three-day trip to Beijing (Leaving Saturday, coming back Monday morning). One of the teachers that used to work in GEC, Ryan, wanted to do something memorable to celebrate his birthday, and suggested China awhile back.

I kind of forgot about the date, until this week. We're in prep-mode right now, having to go through the whole Chinese Visa affair, and figuring out plane tickets. It won't be cheap, but since my days in Asia are winding down quickly, I might as well see the major-sights while I can.

There's been nothing terribly exciting, other than that.

On that note, a few shoutouts:
-Congrats Émilie!
-Damn you, Dany Heatley.
-Go Detroit!
-Hi Mom



Unknown said...

Hi back - son!

A little low on the totem pole, I notice, but thanks for caring.

Your mom xxoo

Alex Pigeon said...

Keeping the best for last!
(and of course, if Emilie's reading this, then it's the opposite.)

Anonymous said...

haha @ Hossa :P

Alex Pigeon said...

Ahh, I feel bad for Hossa..