Saturday, June 13, 2009

Poor Hossa

I went down to the Foreigner district, today, to watch the final game of the NHL playoffs. I appreciated being in a room with plenty of beer-hoisting, passionate Canadians, but boy, does it suck to be Marian Hossa today.

Really didn't see Pittsburgh having a chance on this one.

Ah well.

On the China front, we managed to find a place to apply for Tourist Visas (which take 4 working-days to process.) What's strange is that the base-fee for American Tourists is 125,000 Won, (about 115$), versus 35,000 Won for tourists of any other nationality.

Poor Americans - victims of Chinese discrimination. I wonder what the reasoning behind those fees really are, though.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now we have to wait another 4 months for hockey :(