Saturday, December 27, 2008

Old Kicks

It's looking more and more like the disease residing against me wasn't, in fact, my old friend Bronchitis, but my old nemesis: Pneumonia. This (oh, so classic) Mister Alex is from early 2007, titled 'Mister Alex successfully Kicks Pneumonia'. Apparently, not hard enough. Obviously, since I took the time to dig around for that, you might guess what i've been doing during my 'break' (nothing).

I ran out of antibiotics today, so I went back to the doctor's for more, since this 'Bronchitis' wasn't getting any better. There really wasn't much that he could do there, aside from give me more antibiotics, and give me a referal letter. With that letter, i'm to go to the hospital on Monday to get Chest X-Rays, and confirm the entirely sucky news. It feels the same as it did two years ago, so I don't really doubt Pneumonia at this point.

Now, Pneumonia is one of those things that sounds painful and dangerous, but I don't really feel that bad. It's a disease that's more annoying than anything, since any deep breaths makes you cough. It's annoying to have, and annoying to have to be treated for, since it really doesn't allow me to do anything worthwile during the Holidays. Ah well - One small consolation is the experience of comparing Medical facilities and procedures between Korea and Canada. This kind of stuff is always interesting.

Anyway, on to more positive subjects: First, at the end of January, i'll be going to Hong Kong with three fellow teachers. We found very decent airfare rates, as well as accomodations, so we'll start planning on what we'll be doing on the trip fairly soon. Second: Christmas was okay. I was happy to hear my sister Emily got engaged (congrats to you and Nick again!), and it wasn't completely horrible to be so far away; only moderately horrible.

Hope everyone continues to have a good Holiday Season.


Unknown said...

Bonjour Alex,

Je suis heureuse que tu aies vu un médecin aujourd'hui, ta toux m'inquiétait.
Tu as été très occupé ces mois-ci; ça n'a peut-être pas aidé à te défendre contre cette maladie.
Je t'encourage de suivre tous les conseils à la lettre et surtout repose toi bien. xxoo

émilie pense said...

1- le nom de ta soeur est Émilie
2- j'ai mis des photos de la rencontre chez tante Julie sur flickr
3- j'étais (encore) la seule représentante de "notre branche"
4- guéris vite!

Alex Pigeon said...

I clearly haven't known you long enough to know how to spell your name properly. Belles photos!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alex and I hope you find yourself in better health soon!

Anonymous said...

Hi Alex. Pneumonia eh? Don't fuck with that! Rest, meds, rest and more rest. Young guy like you should do ok if you don't do anything stupid like party too soon. Just my humble opinion. Signed, wise father of Lisa.

Alex Pigeon said...

haha, Thanks Steve! No worries, i've been on the mend - and I limited myself to small-enough amounts of alcohol, on New Years Eve, to be considered 'lame'.

Hope you had a good one!