For ten dollars, we were served a great Christmas meal (turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes - mmm, first time in four months), and given unlimited amounts of alcohol. I wasn't feeling 100%, so I didn't indulge all that much - though it was still fun. I was even called upon to bartend near the end of the night, which was cool - but I had to be that bastard that cuts you off and says 'No. You've had enough. Go home'. Bartending wasn't particularly difficult, since by that point in the night, we only had Vodka and Wine left over.
The coming week is going to be fairly relaxed, as can be expected for Christmas week. I'm off on Christmas Day, and only teach a single adult-class on Friday, which essentially means that i'm only working three days. Plans for Thursday are still pretty flimsy at this point, but i'll be spending the day with other teachers, so it won't be too bad.
Happy Holidays!
J'espère que tu passes un merveilleux temps des fêtes! Nous nous ennuyons tous de toi et de tes débats philosophiques. Tu seras heureux d'apprendre que j'ai eu la note finale de A- pour un cours dans lequel j'ai soumis une "recherche" de huit pages à double interligne qui démontre que mon hypothèse est fausse. yééé! take care!! xox
Méchante grosse recherche. Félicitations! Cheers Sis.
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