Sunday, December 14, 2008

All I Want for Christmas is my Bottom Right Molar

Maybe 'Bottom Right Molar' isn't quite as catchy as 'Two Front Teeth', but i'm sad to report, me and the Molar have decided to go our own seperate ways.

I had been feeling some tooth sensitivity there for a couple of weeks (it'd sting if I drank cold water, or had something sugary lodged inside of it), so I decided to take a precautionary trip to the Dentist on Thursday. Worst thing that can happen, I figured, was to have to get a filling (no big deal!). It seems I was a wee bit too optimistic.

After taking an X-Ray, the dentist told me 'Root! Root.. uhh'. I offered, slightly scared: 'Caa.. Canal?'.


Ah crap. He told me to come back at 2PM, apparently not wanting to wait any extra days. I say 'okay'. I went back to the school, and they (thankfully) agreed to let me miss my first two classes for the appointment of pain. I still had to teach my last two, but I figured i'd be okay by then.

The 'surgery' wasn't too bad, although I have to go back Monday morning to continue/finish it. While I can't say that the pain was really that bad, i'll hold my reservations until he's completed. I will say, though, a Korean Dentist coming at my mouth with a giant needle, and several drilling instruments is not one of the cultural experiences that I had in mind.

The good news: the Root Canal is mostly covered by the insurance provided by the school (I only had to pay 13$) - the bad news: getting a Crown is not. The cheapest choice i've been given for a crown is 350$ (A-Gold), followed by 400$ ('Super' Gold), or 450$ (Platinum Gold). Hoooorayyy.

There goes that overtime money.

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