This park is a very, very well-built one. It's split up into 5 different areas:
-Global Fair, a series of shops and restaurants.
-American Adventure, where you can see Rodeo-stereotypes reinforced.
-Magic Land, where many kiddie-rides are found.
-European Adventure, where there's a really, really awesome restaurant area that has hundreds of tables, and a dozen outlets that sell European beers and foods.
-Zootopia, which houses a Safari where you can find Giraffes, Zebras, Bears, and, according to this sign: 1 Liger. I didn't see the Liger - I don't think i'd know one if I saw it.
The rides were cool, and mostly typical of large amusement parks (including large Rollercoasters). I did see one type of ride i've never seen before, though: a 'Shooting House'.
It was themed as a haunted house, but when you get to the ride, you sit down (on a cart of 4 people) and are told to shoot at the lights attached to the 'haunted' items. Not very scary, but good target practice nonetheless - and fun!
Unfortunately, I came down with a pretty strong headache, so I didn't get to see quite as much as I would've liked... but it's definitely a place I wouldn't mind coming back to, one of these days! If you ever plan to tour Korea, i'd put it on your list of places to visit.
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