On Saturday, I taught as part of the 'English Plaza' program. It's a range of weekly classes for kids who want to partake in English activities at a local Youth Center. There are classes available from the Beginner to Advanced levels, the latter of which is filled mostly with High-Schoolers.
For the teachers, once we arrived, we were given a quick briefing on which classes were being offered. People then volunteered for which classes they wanted to teach.
I ended up having to teach a two hour class about Limbo Dancing to High Schoolers. Moreover, I was told by the Korean co-teacher who was tasked with preparing the material, that we had no Limbo stick, and no music. He then gave me the Wikipedia page on Limbo Dancing, and told me to just teach.
It could've been worse - I somehow kept a decent class going for the entire time - but I can't say that my first-impression of this program was a very good one.
On Sunday, the bulk of GEC's Teaching Crew took part in the annual 'Flea Market', an event that was held near a local Park. It was pretty similar to a 'Hello GEC' event (where we set up booths and activities), except for a couple of things.
One: We had to wear costumes. I don't really know what I was supposed to be - I had to wear a Maroon-colored costume with a Cross symbol on the chest (??).
Two: There was a stage. On this stage, the Foreign Teachers had to perform. There was a dance act, a juggling act, and a singing act (where I proudly sang Disney Classics like 'Under the Sea' and 'Hakuna Matata' to an audience comprised of dozens of people).
I got to MC the event, so I was lucky enough not to get stuck in a booth - overall, it was a fun event, though I think I prefer having a day off.
Have a good week.
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