1-Am I going to be able to find a Job if I go back to Canada?
I'm fairly optimistic, so even with the less-than-stellar job-market, I don't think it'd be too much of a problem.
2-Should I keep saving money for another year, since it'd go a long way towards future projects?
This question took me a few months to figure out, but my outlook is this: If I have faith that i'll be successful in my future career, this kind of money shouldn't be an issue. I've concluded that if I stay, it can't be for the money.
3-I have my whole life ahead of me - why not stay another year and keep experiencing Asia?
Probably the most compelling argument for me to stay - I have no reason to rush home, at the moment, so why should I?
4-Do I want to run the risk of losing contact with friends at home?
I've put a lot of thought into this one, and honestly, I don't know. It's pretty hard to expect someone to make efforts to maintain an overseas friendship for two full years.
5-What'll make me happier?
I really love Korea. The job is great, the people are awesome, and the experience is unique - but at the same time, I miss home. I miss my family, friends, and city. Quantifying happiness is something I haven't done since philosophy class, and I don't think i've got the proper formula at the moment to know which option yields more happiness.
6-Shouldn't I go back to school sooner, rather than later?
I want to do my MBA at some point, and it'd probably be a lot easier while Business Concepts are still fresh in my head- do I want to risk waiting too long? and while i'm thinking about it, shouldn't I start working for a corporation who'll want to pay for me to do my MBA as soon as possible?
7- What would be best for my family?
I don't want to be gone for too long - I realise that me-being-away doesn't only affect me. It's tough for other people, so I need to be mindful of that.
8- What else haven't I thought of?
There are just so many other variables that may or may not come into play, when the time comes. Whether North Korea is more aggressive (doubtful, but who knows?), how strong the South Korean Won currency will be (it's taken a major hit), whether the school will even be able to renew my contract (enrolment has spiralled down with every semester).
So, I end where I began. I haven't come to any kind of conclusion, at this point. I'm leaning towards the 'return home' side of things, but I really can't say it's for certain. No matter what my choice ends up being, though, I know that i'll be spending a few weeks at home towards the end of August/Early September (and i'll definitely be celebrating September 9th in Ottawa).
Or, as far as you know, maybe i've already made up my mind, and i'm just trying to keep a cliffhanger-ending so that the blog remains exciting. Stay tuned!
The answer to your problem: Canadian Beer.
Maybe so!
I think that upon your return the economy will improve tenfold.
So let me ask you this: Do you wish to be single handedly responsible for the collapse of the Canadian economy?
- I didn;t think so.
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