Saturday, March 28, 2009

Hello To You

For the first time since early December, our school hit the road on Friday, for our promotional segment 'Hello GEC'. At one of these events, our foreign & Korean teachers set up booths, and host a variety of activities (such as Hula Hoops, Dizzy Races, Face Painting, and so on).

I finally remembered to bring along a camera.

Most of these events take place outside, so there's usually a lot more room to work with - particularly for my event, the dizzy-race (the classic 'spin-10-times with a baseball bat and try to run'). Since the weather isn't really warm enough yet, we were relegated to a gym, this time around.

Faced with a couple of hundred kids in a small space, I had to quickly rethink the whole 'run in a zig-zag through a crowd' thing, for safety reasons. Instead, they spun 10 times, and attempted to quickly touch their nose, mouth, and ear - something that's harder than it sounds while dizzy.

I'm probably in the minority of teachers on this one, but I missed doing 'Hello GEC' - I find it fun to go to random schools, and see a bit of the countryside. Hopefully, it'll also give a helping hand towards ending the dropping-enrolment... it'd be a shame to keep losing more and more teachers.

Teaching math on Saturday went as smoothly as I could've hoped. In total, I taught 6 groups of kids (between 9:30am and 3pm). I had each table of kids give themselves a Team name, to make it a bit more competitive, and the most memorable names were as follows:
-Team 'Go Home' (during the very first period)
-Team 'Crazy'
-Team 'Smell'
-Team 'Tomatoes' (to be fair, i'm the one who named them - they couldn't come up with their own name)
-Team 'Shrek'

Looking forward to my (only) day off this week. Have a good weekend.
Go Sens!~~

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