For the first time since early December, our school hit the road on Friday, for our promotional segment 'Hello GEC'. At one of these events, our foreign & Korean teachers set up booths, and host a variety of activities (such as Hula Hoops, Dizzy Races, Face Painting, and so on).
I finally remembered to bring along a camera.
Most of these events take place outside, so there's usually a lot more room to work with - particularly for my event, the dizzy-race (the cla

ssic 'spin-10-times with a baseball bat and try to run'). Since the weather isn't
really warm enough yet, we were relegated to a gym, this time around.
Faced with a couple of hundred kids in a small space, I had to quickly rethink the whole 'run in a zig-zag through a crowd' thing, for safety reasons. Instead, they spun 10 times, and attempted to quickly touch their nose, mouth, and ear - something that's harder than it sounds while dizzy.
I'm probably in the minority of teachers on this one, but I missed doing 'Hello GEC' - I find it fun to go to random schools, and see a bit of the countryside. Hopefully, it'll also give a helping hand towards ending the dropping-enrolment... it'd be a shame to keep losing more and more teachers.
Teaching math on Saturday went as smoothly as I could've hoped. In total, I taught 6 groups of kids (between 9:30am and 3pm). I had each table of kids give themselves a Team name, to make it a bit more competitive, and the most memorable names were as follows:
-Team 'Go Home' (during the very first period)
-Team 'Crazy'
-Team 'Smell'
-Team 'Tomatoes' (to be fair, i'm the one who named them - they couldn't come up with their own name)
-Team 'Shrek'
Looking forward to my (only) day off this week. Have a good weekend.
Go Sens!~~