Okay, not really. But when nothing terribly interesting happens, I have to dig in the photo-archives to find something remotely fun. But no worries, Rosie, I haven't yet (to my knowledge) eaten any of your kin, nor am I planning on it.
It was a nice, slow weekend - just the way I like 'em. Friday night, after school, I went with a few teachers for dinner in Bupyeong (a district about 40 minutes away by bus), in turn for some computer-purchasing advice. (Yessss, nerdom pays off). We went to Outback's Steakhouse - the same 'Aussie' franchise that can be found in Canada - although the menu was drastically different. The Big Sky burger was nowhere to be found - in fact, there weren't any burgers at all. Outback's is positioned as a fairly high-end restaurant in Korea, given the prices (about 16$ a plate, minimum.. which is very, very high for Korea).
Afterward, we made our way to Seoul with another Korean teacher, to a Tea House. It was in a very artsy district of Seoul, close to where you can find (at least, apparently), the 'blue' House - the Korean Equivalent of the White House, where the president resides. I can't remember the last time that I was out 'drinking' anything on a Friday Night at 1:00am, when the drink in question wasn't alcoholic. The place in question was three stories tall, and the third floor (where we had to remove our shoes) was heated - it was pretty cool, and I wish I would've thought of bringing my Camera along with me.
On Saturday, I went to an Internet Café (PC Bong!); one of my adult students (James, who's 20 years old) had challenged me to a game of Warcraft 3. While I had a fair amount of confidence in my WC3 skills, playing against any South Korean youth is somewhat intimidating. I mean, they've got not only one 24-Hour Video Game Channel, but two. As it turns out, though, i'm fairly good for a simple Canadian Boy. I won the first game pretty handily, and the second game was even easier.
On Sunday, I wish I could tell you I had a less-geeky day, but alas, it was a geeky-weekend. I installed Age of Empires 3 on my laptop, so that I could play with two other teachers over the LAN.
I'll try to be a tad less geeky next weekend.
r u wc3 gosu now?
fo shure
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