In this entry, i'll focus on:
-the trip there
-stuff we did the first night
-our Saturday trip to Haesindang Park (aka Penis Park - seriously - that got your interest didn't it?)
The follow-up entry will include:
-our final night
-the trip to the beautiful Hwanseongul Cave
-the trip back
On with the show!
As I mentioned in the last entry, we had a long weekend, so we departed from the GEC dorm at around 8:20am on Friday. Our first task was to get to the Gangnam general bus station in Seoul, about an hour's bus ride. From there, we purchased our tickets to Samcheok, which were only 22,100 Won each (about 22$). Now, we all knew that Samcheok was on the East coast, but no one was entirely sure how long the bus ride would be - from what we'd been told, it'd be between an hour and a half to four hours. Ohhh, so wrong. The traffic to leave and enter Seoul appears to be permanently ridiculous, so after an hour, we were barely out of town. The second hour goes by. The third. Fourth. Fifth.
I really couldn't complain about the scenery though. Korea is beautiful, and very very mountainous. After each tunnel we passed, myself and Jonny (The token Auzzie we took along for the trip) were jus
We then had dinner at a terrific Galbi (Korean BBQ) place. It definitely had a stranger vibe than Incheon or Seoul, though - I think our ratio of being-stared-at increased quite a bit. Foreigners usually do get a fair bit of attention in Korea, but even moreso when you're in a small town.
Next on the agenda was to find the Samcheok Beach. We squeezed into a cab, and off we went - for a 10 minute ride, it cost about 3$. All forms of transportation are so, so cheap here - it's great. Anywho, it was nice to be able to relax (and drink!) next to the ocean. I can't remember the last time I sat down on a beach - and short of the trip to Busan last week, w
We topped the night off by going to a Chicken Hof, which served great fried-chicken, but had crap for a toilet. I don't know if it was a.. traditional Korean restroom, but the toilet was literally on the floor, which did not make things too appealing for women. Katie, one of the teachers, didn't really know what to do, so in a shining moment of Foreigner brilliance, she peed in the first bowl she saw, not noticing that there was no flusher. In fact, that bowl was just in there being cleaned (Full of water... well, before she 'went' on it). As she put it, 'Some lady's gonna come back in there, and be like ''What the hell?! Someone peed in my goddamn bowl''.'
Ahhh, I guess you had to be there. We went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast the following morning, and then we were off to Penis Park. I want to make it clear that i'm really not being crude when I call it that. I'll try to be as mature as I can be about a park filled with statues of Penises, but if you get offended by the notion of a Penis, or are afraid of them, you should probably stop reading for today.
I bought a little ceramic Penis with a smile on it as a souvenir - although i'll probably pass it along to someone back at home when I ship some gifts over for Christmas. Dibs? Anyone?
Stay tuned for Part 2.
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