For the past three days, though, lunch time has been used up for three seperate Goodbye meals. Next week, we're losing two Korean teachers, and one Foreign teacher (who are all done with their contracts, and are moving on to other places). While it's the first time I see another foreign teacher leave, it seems that the turnover rate for the Korean teachers is pretty high; including the two that left this week, i've seen 5 leave (in 6 months), as well as three members of the management staff. I'm not sure what to make of that.
We've been informed that next semester (in March), because of dropping enrollment, we'll only have a complement of 13 Foreign and 13 Korean teachers (as opposed to the 15/15 ratio that we had in the past two semesters). What that means for me (hopefully) is more classes, and a little overtime income. after this semester, i've found free period to be completely dull. What it also means for me is a week-full of celebrating, singing and drinking.
No complaints here.
This weekend, i'll be visiting a few sights in Seoul with a friend, so it should be interesting.
Happy Friday & Weekend!
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