Monday, January 12, 2009

The Exciting Tale of How I Did My Laundry

First I put it in the washer. Then, I put it in the dryer.

That felt good to get off my chest.


Anonymous said...

I totally love that you have a blog!!

Unknown said...

What about the quarter you utilized or was it something smaller. What about the shaking time for your clothes - or did it all go up and down in record time. Say, let's not overlook the waiting period - Was there a special place for you to sit and contemplate.
Did you concern yourself with the look you projected. Were you simply casual or very formal (according Korean standards).

Did you have to share a moment with someone as your pieces of clothing were drying. Did your wash come out really clean or did it excel standards.

No Slacking Alex, we have to know.


Alex Pigeon said...

There are no quarters in Korea. I cannot reveal anymore, because it's considered a criminal offense to explain how one cleans their underwear.

Well. Okay. Maybe not.

Unknown said...

Had you going Alex....who else can I tease?

P.S. I too appreciate your blogs.
