All men in South Korea have to do two years of military service, so whenever these types of losses occur, it really is something that cuts deeply to all Korean families. These 46 could have easily been anyone's brother, son, or friend.
Today, the official report from an international-body of observers concluded that the blast was from a North Korean torpedo, emerging from a submarine. This leaves the South in the difficult situation of having to form some sort of response (not only to quell anger, but as a detterent to the North), and yet not escalate this conflict. The last thing anyone wants is to respark fighting between the two Koreas, but given the volatility of the North of late, there is a possibility it may come to that.
The Huffing and Puffing continued, as the North declared that they would "respond to reckless countermeasure with an all-out war of justice" according to the BBC.
The mood around here does seem to continue to be indifferent, though, (at least, in regards to those threats). A lifetime of threats will probably do that to someone - Lets just hope that the no-all-out-conflict 'streak' continues.
(Will be back in Canada in five more days)
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